
Friday, June 15, 2012

So let's be honest...if I had to be stranded on an island with either the Hakim or Wood book, I would hands down pick the Hakim book.  However, if I was prepping to be on Jeopardy, I would have to choose the Wood book.  You can clearly see why.  The Hakim book is fun and interesting to read.  It peaks your interest to learn more about the events and people in the book.  If gives you enough information to know the major players in history.  The Wood book was a typical book that was very dry to read.  It didn't keep me involved.  It did provide a wealth of information from the very beginning to the end.

After reading a new chapter from the Hakim book (Chapter 34, Thomas Jefferson) I again learned some valuable information.  This book does that to me!  New, cool, little tid bits pop out!

1) It was Jefferson who wanted a money system for the U.S. based on tens, the decimal system.  Thanks to him for the twenty dollars in my wallet!

2) He was very humbled.  Even though he held prestigious positions in his life, he was most proud that he wrote the Declaration of Independence, the VA Statute for Religious Freedom, and was the father of the University of VA.

3) The Statute for Religious Freedom stated the governments had no right telling citizens what to believe.  AKA Separation of church and state.

I did learn a thing or two from the Wood book relating to Thomas Jefferson and the Declaration of Independence.

1) In the Declaration of Independence, the king of Great Britain was held accountable for every grievance that the Americans had suffered since 1763.

2) Congress removed part of Jefferson's original draft because it blamed King George III for the slave trade.

3) The Declaration of Independence is truly a special document that changed the face of our country.  It instills a mindset that not only Americans can abide by, but any human can follow and live by.


  1. I agree, if I was stranded on an island if I could have only one of our books, Hakim's book would be the one for me. It is a happy book. Great illustrations, cartoons, informative and entertaining stories, humor, songs along with lots of information etc. Wood's book, on the other hand, demanded undivided attention. It made me think about things I had never considered before. (see my blog if you want more detail) It provoked some heavy thought. I'm glad I got to read both books in the comfort of my home rather than reading them while stranded on an island. I do wonder though if my opinion would be the same if I was actually stranded.

  2. I heartily agree on the readability of the Hakim book. It's fun to read! How many textbooks can you say that about? I did find it interesting that even today many new nations choose our existing Constitution and Declaration of Independence to emulate.

  3. I love how you compare the two books and I couldn't agree more (desert island and jeopardy, too funny). Hakim is definitely a much more enjoyable read (this coming from someone that usually falls asleep when reading). She also gets you to relate to the reading and gets you to think outside the box a bit more than your typical history book.
